Integration in 5 easy steps:
Step1: Download the Example Code
Simply download the example code. The code is in the "AJAX ASP
Thoroughfare" directory of our example downloads. Simply copy, into
the same directory as your web page which requires Postcode Address
Lookup, "SPL_AJAX_Street.js" and "SPLGetStreetAddress.asp" files.
Step 2 : Add reference to our JavaScript file to your page
Then on your own web page header, add the following reference to
the JavaScript file your copied.
This line is show in the "index.html" file included in the
example download, as is the rest of the code.
Reference the JavaScript file
<script type="text/javascript" src="SPL_AJAX_Street.js"></script>
Step 3 : Add a Link, button or image to activate Postcode
Then add either a link, using the following code to activate the
Postcode Lookup Web address selection list:
Example link to activate Postcode Lookup Window:
<a href= "javascript:SPLGetAddressData(document.getElementById('postcode').value)"
>Lookup Address from link</a>
Example Button to activate Postcode Lookup Window:
<input type=button value="Lookup Address"
onClick= "javascript:SPLGetAddressData(document.getElementById('postcode').value)">
This could easily be changed to use a image button.
Note: In the above example the Postcode Text field must have an
ID of "postcode"
Step 4 : Map your Address fields
Now edit the JavaScript at the end of file "SPL_AJAX_Street.js",
to write the correct address lines, which result from the Postcode
Lookup. Back to your target web page, address fields:
Example address field mappings:
Step 5 : Specify the Data Key
Open an account with us. Within seconds you will then receive a
data key, by e-mail, which should be entered at the top of the "SPLGetStreetAddress.asp"
file. This key will enable your account, for a 30 day evaluation
period, for one postcode area.
Identify your account:
Enter Postcode "ZZ99" to use
test data
How it Works
When the customer presses the [Find] button, then the function
SPLGetAddressData is called, passing the
Postcode entered in your Postcode field. This then calls the
SPLGetStreetAddress.asp page with the Postcode in the parameters,
using the xmlHttp object created when the page was opened on the
browser. This xmlHttp object provides AJAX (Asynchronous
JavaScript and XML) to perform a Asynchronous call the
SPLGetStreetAddress.asp page, without a complete page refresh.
The SPLGetStreetAddress.asp code on your web server then calls
our Postcode lookup web server for the address information, adding
your account information, etc. This means the client browser never
sees your account information.
When the SPLGetStreetAddress.asp page receives address
information from our server it simply relays it back to the web page
(your page with address fields on the customers computer) on the
client computer.
The result of SPLGetStreetAddress.asp is then handled by the
JavaScript function SPLhandleRequestStateChange
which calls SPLhandleServerResponse
when fully complete.
Function SPLhandleServerResponse then
reads the XML, if it contains tag "<line1>" and writes the address
information to your address fields on your web page. If the response
does not contain "<line1>", because of invalid postcode entered,
then it is not processed.
Why do you have to have extra pages on your server?
Reason 1
Some browsers, especially if the client has turned up the
security settings, may stop the client web page talking to a server
from different domain. So by adding a page into your web domain, to
relay the query to our Postcode address lookup server, removes this
security problem.
Reason 2
Hides your account information from the Client Web Browser
This example could easily be converted to any other server side
language, since the ASP pages are simply used to relay XML data from
our server. The clients side JavaScript would remain the same.